Beacon Hill Historic District

Welcome residents and visitors!

Residents of both
Camphor Heights Neigbhorhood
Beacon Hill Historic District
You're Invited to join our
Beacon-Camphor Neighborhood Group
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Residents of the
Beacon Hill Historic District
You're additionally invited to join our
Beacon Hill Neighborhood Association Group
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Getting Connected...

To participate in our group(s), you'll need a Facebook account. To get started, you can click the link below to find our Group Administrator. If you're on a mobile device and having trouble with the link, you can (within the Facebook App) search for "Beacon Camphor". Once located, send a friend request (this is at least temporarily necessary for admittance). In an accompanying message, you can provide your qualifying residency credentials* to speed the process.

*Members consist of residents within (or those having a qualified interest in) one or both areas as defined below.
Residents of the broader Beacon-Camphor area are defined as “the South Lakeland block West of S Florida Ave, North of Beacon Road, East of Lincoln Ave & South of Ariana St. consisting of Alta Vista, Beacon Hill, Camphor Heights, Lenox Place & Volunteer Heights”.
Residents of Beacon Hill Historic District / Neighborhood Association are limited to and defined as “properties inside of the Beacon Hill / Alta Vista historic district”.
Prospective group members must be approved by the Admin(s) which require verification of residency. To get connected, please "friend" this profile - necessary to add you into the appropriate group(s). **Be sure to message this admin (privately [not through comments]) providing your qualifying residency credentials.** After joining, please be sure to review our Guidelines (found in the Group Documents or Group Description).
NOTE: For privacy reasons, neighbors are NOT required to “friend” one another on Facebook to participate in group(s). Existing members may attempt to add Facebook friends to the group, but those invited by existing members will still need to, at least temporarily, "friend" this profile - necessary to successfully message the incoming member and for adding to another neighborhood group - if applicable. **Be sure to accompany any add-requests with a message to this Admin (privately [not through comments]) providing the qualifying residency credentials.** Admin verification can often be accomplished via Polk Public Records but may require additional information from you and/or the prospective member.